“Scientific and technological partner for structural diagnostics of products and processes.”

DES – Diagnostic Engineering Solutions was founded in 2010 as a Spin-off of the Politecnico di Bari, with the aim of industrialising the results of almost twenty years of research and experimentation carried out in the Structural Diagnostics and Thermal Methods for Experimental Mechanics Laboratory.

The core business is the design and implementation of advanced diagnostic systems for the structural analysis of components and process monitoring, using non-destructive techniques.

The aim is to identify structural anomalies in composite materials, plastics, metals, welds, etc. in good time during the various stages of the production process, in order to prevent breakage and damage that could cause major inefficiencies. These investigations, in fact, make it possible to identify any non-conformities and raise the quality level of semi-finished and finished products, facilitating the reduction of production waste.

Among the non-destructive diagnostic techniques, DES stands out for its innovative applications of infrared thermography used to carry out: non-destructive testing, process monitoring and optimisation, stress and damage analysis, material characterisation and qualification.

The solutions proposed find application in laboratory systems, software products and in customised and automated systems.